A Top St. Louisan to Know, Knows (and Loves!) Snotes

brianWhile at the TEDxGatewayArch event, we met someone who is as intrigued and excited about Snotes as are we. Brian Goldman, the President of the Northwest Chamber of Commerce in St. Louis, heads up the fastest growing chamber in the state of Missouri, with an average of 20 new members each month. And it doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. The Small Business Journal recently named Brian Goldman as one of the Top 100 St. Louisans to Know in Business. We recently caught up with him to get his take on Snotes.

Brian quickly began with, “Your Snotes booth was one of the first stops I made at TEDx. I saw all these people at your booth looking strangely at cards, flipping them around this way and that, I just had to know what was so fascinating to these folks.” He then shared, “I guess I speak Snotes, because as soon as I got one of your cards in my hands, I could read it almost immediately!”

The TEDx event featured several amazing speakers, but Brian confesses, “I found myself playing the Snotes Quotes game while the speakers were talking! Not that the speakers were boring by any means, I was just really drawn to Snotes and could see so many possibilities and ways of utilizing them. I finally just had to stop, knowing I could always go back and play the game on my own . . . and I do, often.”

One of the many reasons for the Northwest Chamber’s great growth and popularity is due to the fact that Brian refuses to allow any bit of dullness in, “We are a super active chamber and have something for everyone, there is no room for boredom,” says Brian. The Northwest Chamber can expect Snotes to play a role soon, “I haven’t landed on which idea I like best, there are so many!” Brian is also coming up with ways to include Snotes at the chamber’s upcoming golf tournament and more!

“I am drawn to different,” says Brian, “and Snotes is one of the most unique things I have seen in a long time.” He goes onto to share, “I see so many possibilities for Snotes and for the businesses that see the potential for using Snotes on their mailers, products and more. It is definitely a way to get people’s attention. I will be sharing Snotes with all our chamber members.”

Thank you, Brian, for you excitement about Snotes. We cannot wait to see what you come up with!