Every year, you probably find yourself buying birthday cards or anniversary cards, searching for just the right message. Then of course there are cards to buy for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Halloween, the Holiday season – not to mention friends and family graduating from school, getting new jobs, getting married, giving birth, retiring – there are all kinds of events worthy of congratulations and applause. As well as all kinds of cards you can purchase to commemorate. But if you’re ready for the next level in greeting cards, then take a moment to learn about Snotes. Snotes is right at your fingertips! Simply log into Snotes to find colorful, animated cards that you can custom-create featuring YOUR words.
Creating your customized Snote is easy. If you have not already done so, create your free Snotes account. Each time you come back to Snotes, simply click on Create & Share. This is where the magic happens, allowing you to make and send your Snote. All of your creations are stored in a gallery (you can store up to 50 Snotes).
From the task bar on the left hand side you can choose one of several animations that will serve as a customized look and background for your creation; we offer animations for holidays, sports, fantasy, kids and more. Also from the task bar you will write your four lines of text. If you’re not sure what to write, perhaps borrow a quote. Or simply speak from your heart to create a highly personalized greeting card that your recipient is sure to appreciate.
You may also choose the color and font for your text, as well as a shape. Remember to save your work, then preview it so you can see what the recipient will see. Once it meets with your approval, you’re ready to share it and how you do so is entirely up to you. If you wish to create a hard copy, you can download the Snote (see bottom left). Be sure to check out this quick video tutorial on how to Make a Secret Message Snote Today!
So the next time you’re looking to send a special message for almost any occasion, there’s only one place you need to go – and it’s right from your own computer. Plus, you will be creating a card that truly is from you, with words, a look and a feel that is all YOU.
Want to see it in action? Check out the Snote we created for you!