Postcards can be a waste of money and time or a valuable source of new business.
If a postcard grabs attention with a powerful message and graphics, postcards are a fantastic driver of new business.
But – if the postcard is bland, it’s going to hit the trash without second thought – a complete waste.
How to ensure that your postcards are actually read?
What if your postcard was not only read by your prospects, but was actually studied intently – and shared with others?
Postcards With Snotes Drive Business To Your Website
A Snote on your postcard instantly draws attention and interest with its unique design. Once the interest of your prospect is captured, it is further funneled and increased because the Snote demands resolution. It appeals to the basic human need to solve a problem and make a new discovery.
Solving a Snote is fun! it rekindles the joy of doing a crossword or decoding a secret message. The reader takes pleasure in solving a problem that isn’t immediately obvious.
The Snote adds value to your postcard, turning it into a game or puzzle that can be shared with other family members and friends.
Postcards are tremendously effective when combined with a strong call to action to visit your website. With Snotes as part of your postcard campaign, potential clients are driven to your site to discover how to read a Snote. We provide video content and descriptions of the Snote for your site, providing valuable interaction from the postcard campaign.
Get Your Message Remembered With A Snotes Postcard
Virtually any message or call to action can be encoded in a Snote. And because that message is part of a game, it is remembered by your prospect, accomplishing something that simply can’t be accomplished with a new font or exclamation points.
In today’s oversold society, Snotes offers your company a chance to make an impression and get word of mouth, not by being louder than the competition, but by being more fun!
Create A Licensed Snotes Postcard today
Using a Snote as part of your next postcard campaign is incredibly simple and easy. Simply contact Fleur de Lis today and let us know that you’d like to create a licensed Snotes postcard. We will consult with you to craft your message and provide powerful Snotes tools to create an amazing postcard that will get results.