Snotes Licensing Expo First Impressions

We are very excited to share our experience of our first showing at the Licensing Expo. license intlThere is much follow up to be accomplished, but our initial impression are that Snotes was definitely well received and our experience was extremely valuable. As our Managing Member Jeff Pickett shared, “We were told by numerous people that Snotes was the most creative innovation at the show. The opportunities that we have to explore can absolutely take us to the next level and beyond. We met with inventors, licensors, product developers, educators, marketers and more. Without a doubt our brand has something to offer everyone throughout the world.”

“While at the Expo we received a great surprise,” added Joe Bayer. “A very cool lady at the booth next to ours offered her congratulations to us, then showed us a copy of an article featuring Snotes. The article appeared in Global License, which is the magazine for the licensing industry. Very cool, very cool.” It didn’t end there, “I was also recently interviewed by My Vagabond Soul about Snotes. It looks like we will be riding this Licensing Expo wave for quite some time.”

Our booth stood out and caught attention, and our product made for many an “aha moment,” similar to what we experienced at our TEDx events. The representatives we personally met with represent large-scale toy manufacturers, educational organizations, gaming companies, actor agents, foundations, and more. And yes, they are big names; names you know. As of now we need to sort through all these new contacts and take the magical experience of the show into reality. Please keep an eye on our website and social pages, where we will share more and more! As Jeff put it, “We made a splash at the Licensing show but believe me, this is just the start of what will be a great ride.”

It was amazing to not only connect with a diverse and influential audience, but to then see how excited the audience was about Snotes, and its endless possibilities, was astounding. This show reminded us once again, of why we started this adventure, while also providing a profoundly promising glimpse into the future. We have said and heard from others that “Snotes could be big!” At this show we saw that Snotes could be colossal.

We will continue to nurture the relationships we started with the powerful contacts we made at the show. As we develop these relationships and further explore the opportunities, we will be sure to let you in on the awesomeness to come. Thank you for sending your great wishes to us, it was evident that we had solid support behind us. More to come!